My name is Igor, SF Walker and I am a Life Coach and an International Best Selling Author. My aim in life is peace, inspiration, health and wellness, harmony and abundance. Everything I do is driven by these thoughts.
© 2017 Valentina Sadiul Photography
Time you wake up: 6:30 (if not exactly 30 minutes before the Sunrise)
Morning routine: Glass of Alkaline water with Intention - Gratitude Journal: 10 thing I am grateful for - Lifestyle, existential questions and quotes I connect with: ("it is what it is, accept it, harvest the good, forgive the rest", "what they think of you is none of your business", "are all of my habits serving me, if not which ones do I have to change"...) - Visualization Meditation of my LIFE (total of 30 minutes)
Best habit: Walking
Worst habit: Alcohol
Personal philosophy: Slow Down, Reduce the Noise, Listen, BE before you DO, Gratitude
Book you are reading now: I am reading a book a week for this year, part of a project for my own book and I just finished "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" - Shunryu Suzuki
Most used apps: Kindle for Iphone, Youtube App, Communication Apps, Social Media Apps
Time you go to sleep: Varies and is driven by the body, not mind
What made you decide to become a life coach? What is unique about SF Walker coaching experience?
Re-connecting with my true self and my core, it was very clear that I always was and always will be a life coach and I simply realigned my path. It only took a 14 year old relationship ending, 16 year old healthcare career ending and a motorcycle crash to realign me, but this is why I am here now, so that other people do not have to go through what I went in order to discover true self and realign Most unique part of the SF Walker coaching experience is the WALKING itself. It is a walking, listening and talking, for mind, body and soul coaching session. I do not have your answers, you however do and WE will discover them together. What I have is a never ending stream of caring, curious, "nothing is off limits" questions that will shift emotional states, provide different perspectives to be considered and most importantly guidance for you in finding your own answers. I am a grateful co-pilot and a co-creator in your own story, humbled to be invited into your space.
What is your favorite part about being a coach?
Learning and teaching. Raising awareness. Every single interaction I approach as being a student just as much as being a teacher. Being able to ask that right question that gives you your answer. Priceless.
Do you have any advice for someone who is contemplating working with a life coach but is unsure of the benefits they’ll get?
Understanding the difference between "I need a coach" and "I want to work with a coach." NO ONE needs coaching, I myself only work with my own mentors and coaches because I want to. I want to GROW and in doing so I want to CONTRIBUTE. I am the only one that can guarantee any benefits, as I am the only one taking the steps to get there. There is no question that new knowledge is gained, new understandings and new levels of awareness that all drive wanted change. In the end, it is all about habits and habits are programmed. I love saying to my clients, "Connect to knowledge, respect the teacher." The teacher is simply a vessel, and as the student is ready the teacher appears, regardless of the form.
What is a success to you?
Awareness and presence in the NOW.
When you look back at your coaching history with clients, what are the common issues or goals that they raise?
Love, Beliefs, Relationships, Time, Career, Money, Clarity, Habits, Purpose, Success, Creation of Reality, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Effectiveness, Listening, Public Speaking...
Why did you decide to write a children's book? What is this book about?
My children's book was one of those things that started it all for me, it was where I finally said to myself "OK Igor, let's take this from thoughts and only just talking about it, from daydreaming to reality. Let's obtain these amazing titles, published author and international best selling author." It sounded incredible and impossible, however because of focus, discipline, accountability and vision, today this is a reality. I understood everything in life is about programming, about education, about messages, and since words are spells, and people are more often than not "under a spell" I wanted to share a simple message "Beauty is everywhere, it's in you and it's in me, how I wish everyone would see" I chose a hummingbird to be the storyteller and wonderful sights of San Francisco to be the backdrop. The original page used to run a campaign to become an international bestseller is here: and my own personal story and the link to the book is here
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