Professional Headshots for Therapists and Life Coaches

Our lives are full of everyday challenges. When it come to navigating relationship with friends and loved ones, our careers, and the emotional events and feelings that are part of being human, our friends (as wonderful and supportive as they may be), can’t always give us the objective advice and support that we need on a regular basis. Also, sometimes we may not feel comfortable sharing our true feelings with people we know, for fear of being rejected or judged.

Luckily, there is a group of professionals who have the power to help us with compassion, objectivity and honesty. They are psychologist, family therapists and life coaches! 

Any time we search for a  professional, we usually start by using Google or a social media platform. Whether we realize it or not, our decision to contact or not contact a certain professional hinges on the first impression that their headshot makes on us.  

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

If you are a mental health care professional, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does your headshot radiate approachability and friendliness?

We all want to talk to someone who is friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to! While in real life you may be all of those things, if your photo is too serious, too formal, or your body language is closed off, you may be turning off potential clients. Whereas people may respond to a more serious photo when choosing a lawyer or financial advisor, when choosing a mental health professional, a friendly, confident, and kind headshot is the way to go.

  • Is your look current and well put together?

Dated headshots with out of style hair, makeup, and clothing can turn off potential clients as well. It may sound superficial, but clients want to see that you are up to date on the goings on of today’s world. If your headshot is from 5 or more years ago, potential clients may worry that you won’t understand the finer points of their modern lives. Your look shouldn’t be “trendy”, but it should be well fitted, classic, and stylish.

  • Is your headshot taken by a professional photographer?

If your headshot was taken by a friend, family member, or amature photographer, potential clients may subconsciously think of your work as amature as well. Having your headshot taken by a skilled photographer who is experienced with headshot photography for professionals in your field, sends the message that you are a professional who invests time and energy into his or her craft. Remember, a great photographer will be able to capture the essence of who you are and what makes you great at what you do! With a great headshot, potential clients will feel like they know you already.