
Career change and new headshots

Are you considering a career change? Are you in the market for new headshots?

professional portraits and headshots taken in San Francisco Bay Area Studio

In today's professional world, it's important to keep your image up-to-date. Having updated headshots can help you make a great first impression with potential employers or clients. So, if you're thinking about making a career change, be sure to get some new headshots as well! You'll be glad you did.

To schedule your new business portrait in our studio CLICK HERE or call 415-400-9212.

Sara Duchovnay: "Valentina is an absolute genius when it comes to headshot and portrait photography!"

"Valentina is an absolute genius when it comes to headshot and portrait photography! As a professional opera singer, my headshots, portraiture, and publicity photos are extremely important for my image and my business, which is why I return again and again to Valentina's studio every time I need new images. Valentina has a sparkling personality that immediately puts you at ease, and her attention to detail and fantastic eye makes every session super easy and fun. I'm always amazed at the beauty and compositional excellence in all of her work and the ease with which she gets incredible results. She knows exactly how to coach her clients to look better in front of the camera than they ever imagined they could. The hardest part of the process is narrowing down all the great shots and choosing favorites!"

Sara Duchovnay - Opera Singer



Dana Putnam Fonteneau: "I not only had a great time but left her studio feeling gorgeous and fabulous."

"Valentina is a very gifted photographer and fabulous person. I got some new professional headshots done. It's a major testament to her that I, who hate being photographed, not only had a great time but left her studio feeling gorgeous and fabulous. Check out her mastery!"

Dana Putnam Fonteneau - Cellist, Psychotherapist, and Creator of the WholeHearted Music



Creative People in Business: Bastian Sascha Schmidt - Acupuncturist

My name is Sascha and I’m the owner of Tree of Qi Acupuncture Clinic in San Francisco. My interest is in bringing health and healing into the world and I feel very grateful to be able to provide my services to the lively and diverse community we have here in the city.
I focus on helping patients heal the underlying imbalances in their bodies and minds, thus creating what we call “flow” in Chinese medicine. Flow is what ensures movement that is free of pain as well as a state of mind that is free from suffering. 

With health costs on the rise and an emergence of many acute and chronic health concerns ranging from pain, digestive issues, women’s health, to stress, anxiety and depression, I believe that acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are valuable resources for people during this time, especially for those who’d like to take a more active role in their healing journeys.
I use acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, cupping, reiki and nutritional counseling to help my patients find balance in their lives and I’m excited about what I do.

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

Time you wake up: 7:40 am

Morning routine: I meditate for 20 minutes, then I have tea and listen to either NPR or a podcast. Recently I’ve been detoxing from politics (not always successfully), so I’ve been listening to spiritual talks.

Best habit: Daily meditation

Worst habit: I binge watch TV shows if they’re good.

Personal philosophy: Serve others; do the best I can

Book you are reading now: “Understanding Power” by Noam Chomsky

Most used apps: Sonos for music

Time you go to sleep: Between 10 pm - 11 pm



Tell me about your choice to open your own clinic and become your own boss: what motivated you? What were your fears and challenges, and how did you overcome them? 

I’ve always liked the look and smell of Chinese Herbs and have been fascinated with Eastern Philosophies and ways of treating the body even years before practicing Chinese Medicine. I used to live in New York City and would go to Chinatown often to be immersed in the colorful world of Chinese food and herbs and products. 

How long did it take for you to get your business running the way you've always imagined it? In other words, how did you "get on your feet"? 

I started my practice out of my apartment, because I was operating with a very low budget. This was surely one of the biggest challenges in the beginning.  However, within 6 months I moved into a nice big clinic space here in the Mission and today, almost 7 years later, I practice in a fully equipped 3 treatment room clinic. 

What do you enjoy most about your role in patient care?

Being my own boss has been a wonderful experience. I set my own schedule, take 3 day weekends, travel, and I get to do what I love most, which is to help people feel better.
A challenge of being my own boss is that I have to oversee all aspects of my business, even the ones that don’t come so easily, such as bookkeeping and marketing. For this reason, I hired a business coach, who recommended getting professional headshots. This is where Valentina comes in: she’s been an integral part in my public appearance - her images not only portray the true essence of who I am and what I do, but also the space and surroundings I practice in.
Having a community of talented friends and colleagues around me has been key to the success of my practice.

How do you balance your work and personal life?

In order to balance the demands of running a clinic I take long weekends, and often I leave the city and go into nature. In my spare time I also like to play music, read, go on long walks, go on meditation retreats, do archery, and visit the many naturally occurring hot springs in California.

What are some of your personal and/or professional goals for the future?

A goal of mine for the future is to open up a tea house in the San Francisco, a place where people can come to relax and ground, a place of community and respite of the city hustle and bustle. A big part of my spirituality and inner growth is to make an impact on the community that lasts even after I’m long gone. It is my hope that my clinic and my future tea house will provide the community with resources for many years to come.

Contact Information:

Address: 2460 Mission Street Suite 104 in San Francisco CA 94110
Web: TreeofQi.com
Tel: (415) 424-3479

Professional Headshots for Therapists and Life Coaches

Our lives are full of everyday challenges. When it come to navigating relationship with friends and loved ones, our careers, and the emotional events and feelings that are part of being human, our friends (as wonderful and supportive as they may be), can’t always give us the objective advice and support that we need on a regular basis. Also, sometimes we may not feel comfortable sharing our true feelings with people we know, for fear of being rejected or judged.

Luckily, there is a group of professionals who have the power to help us with compassion, objectivity and honesty. They are psychologist, family therapists and life coaches! 

Any time we search for a  professional, we usually start by using Google or a social media platform. Whether we realize it or not, our decision to contact or not contact a certain professional hinges on the first impression that their headshot makes on us.  

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

© 2016 Valentina Sadiul Photography

If you are a mental health care professional, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does your headshot radiate approachability and friendliness?

We all want to talk to someone who is friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to! While in real life you may be all of those things, if your photo is too serious, too formal, or your body language is closed off, you may be turning off potential clients. Whereas people may respond to a more serious photo when choosing a lawyer or financial advisor, when choosing a mental health professional, a friendly, confident, and kind headshot is the way to go.

  • Is your look current and well put together?

Dated headshots with out of style hair, makeup, and clothing can turn off potential clients as well. It may sound superficial, but clients want to see that you are up to date on the goings on of today’s world. If your headshot is from 5 or more years ago, potential clients may worry that you won’t understand the finer points of their modern lives. Your look shouldn’t be “trendy”, but it should be well fitted, classic, and stylish.

  • Is your headshot taken by a professional photographer?

If your headshot was taken by a friend, family member, or amature photographer, potential clients may subconsciously think of your work as amature as well. Having your headshot taken by a skilled photographer who is experienced with headshot photography for professionals in your field, sends the message that you are a professional who invests time and energy into his or her craft. Remember, a great photographer will be able to capture the essence of who you are and what makes you great at what you do! With a great headshot, potential clients will feel like they know you already.


How to prepare for your HEADSHOT SESSION

Hiring a professional photographer for your headshots or portraits is a wise investment, and one that you want to get the most out of! Good preparation will ensure a smooth and efficient experience with images of you looking your absolute best. Here are some of the most frequent questions that clients ask me, and some of my tips for preparing for your next photoshoot:

Valentina Sadiul Headshots in San Francisco Bay Area

Valentina Sadiul Headshots in San Francisco Bay Area

What clothing should I bring to my photoshoot?

Bring more options than you need. If you are planning on using 2 looks, bring 4 or 5 choices so you and your photographer can choose the best ones. If you are wearing a suit, bring a few shirt and tie options so you can create a few different looks. 

First and foremost, all outfits should fit you well and make you feel powerful, attractive, and well put together! Avoid outfits that are too baggy or too tight, and make sure that everything is neat, clean, and pressed. Make sure your shoes are shined and match your outfits, as your photographer may take full-length shots. Check your outfits for holes or tears and try on anything that hasn't been worn in a while to make sure it still fits you the way you like.

Choose colors that make you feel your best! If you always get compliments when you wear green because it brings out the green in your eyes, bring green! If wearing a red dress makes you feel powerful and beautiful, bring your red dress! Solid pieces in dark colors or jewel tones generally photograph very well and compliment most skin tones and coloring, but feel free to have fun with bright colors and subtle patterns and textures as well. Large, loud patterns can be distracting, so choose pieces that don't compete with you for attention. Ladies, bring tops, skirts, and dresses with different necklines and different silhouettes. 

Is there anything else I should bring?

Ladies, bring your make-up with you in case you need to do any touch-ups. Have your lipstick, hairbrush, and a few bobbypins close by for fast fixes! If you do not feel confident with your make-up skills, consider hiring a make-up artist. Men, bring hair product and a comb and have them close by as well. 

What questions should I ask myself or others before the shoot?

If you are going to be taking photos for your website, poster, business card, advertisement, or anything else specific, think about what what you want that to look like and what orientations you need. If your website needs landscape oriented shots, you want your photographer to know that so you get the shots you need. What is the color scheme of your website or poster? Do you want a specific colored background to compliment that? If you are working with a website designer, agent, or publicist, ask them to be specific about any preferences or requests that they might have.

Most importantly, make sure you arrive at your shoot well rested and ready to let loose and have fun! 


Visit BOOK NOW page to schedule your Headshot Session with Valentina Sadiul Photography. For more information contact at ValentinaSadiul@gmail.com or call 415.400.9212

WELCOME to Valentina Sadiul Photography BLOG

I have always been inspired and intrigued by the beauty and individuality of the human spirit. In fact, I was immediately attracted to photography for the opportunity it provided to capture the unique spark within each person in front of my lens. Photography also provided me with countless opportunities to meet and collaborate with interesting and creative people, and to hear their stories and experiences. Now as a professional headshot and portrait photographer in the San Francisco, I provide headshots and promotional portraits for the Bay Area’s most fascinating artists, musicians, dancers, CEO’s, and entrepreneurs; as well as for start-ups, real-estate brokerages, and other corporations who are seeking to create a professional and successful, yet personal brand image. I also provide glamorous portraiture sessions for women of all ages. I feel so strongly that every women should have the opportunity to feel like a celebrity, and it is my mission to empower every woman to love her own individual and unique beauty.


In fact, empowerment is a lot of what drives my work. My portraits represent my clients as their most successful and intriguing selves. Though many of them are just at the start of their careers, their photographs make people take notice and view them as successful, confident, and accomplished. I love maintaining relationships with the people I have photographed, and watching their careers flourish.

This blog is dedicated to readers who are looking for balance in their professional and personal lives, and focussed on achieving career success, financial freedom, good health, and strong relationships.