
Sara Duchovnay: "Valentina is an absolute genius when it comes to headshot and portrait photography!"

"Valentina is an absolute genius when it comes to headshot and portrait photography! As a professional opera singer, my headshots, portraiture, and publicity photos are extremely important for my image and my business, which is why I return again and again to Valentina's studio every time I need new images. Valentina has a sparkling personality that immediately puts you at ease, and her attention to detail and fantastic eye makes every session super easy and fun. I'm always amazed at the beauty and compositional excellence in all of her work and the ease with which she gets incredible results. She knows exactly how to coach her clients to look better in front of the camera than they ever imagined they could. The hardest part of the process is narrowing down all the great shots and choosing favorites!"

Sara Duchovnay - Opera Singer

Why Lawyers Need a Professional Headshot

Nowadays, every professional person needs to have a professional headshot that will act as his signature mark in the online commercial world. The lawyers need their headshots as much as the other professionals, as it increases their reliability in the eyes of their clients and thus help them make progress in their career.  The attorney headshot is extremely useful for posting in the business pages of social media sites, like LinkedIn and Facebook.

Enhances the trustworthiness

© 2017 Valentina Sadiul Photography

© 2017 Valentina Sadiul Photography

When people find the image of the attorney in different websites impressive enough, they feel more inclined to approach those lawyers for solving their legal problems, even if they do not know them very well. The profiles of the lawyers should always be accompanied with their professional headshots, for making their career smoother than others who do not bother to use one.

Increases the fame instantly

The attorney headshot can successfully become the brand signature of a good lawyer and speaks more about his confidence and professional success than what is written in his profile in words. Moreover, it makes the job of easier for their clients, when they are searching online to get in touch with that specific attorney for discussing their legal matters. Websites and social media profiles without headshots are usually passed over the one hired is someone that does have one.

How to get the best headshot for a professional lawyer

  • First of all, it is best to hire a professional photographer, who is experienced in taking headshots with latest photographic equipments, because any unprofessional work will fail to draw the attention of the potential clients, as a properly done headshot should do.  So every ambitious lawyer should be ready for the expense of hiring a reputed professional photographer for this work.


  • The lawyer should make sure that only his/her face is primarily shown in the headshot, to make it instantly noticeable, as one looks at the photo. So the background of the photo needs to be absolutely professional, without anything that may distract the viewers’ attention.


  • The lawyer should wear only professional or any formal attire that suits best his personality and what other successful lawyers are seen to wear in their headshots. 


  • The pose of the lawyer should be impressive while taking his headshot that will make him look smart and confident. So it is better to consult the hired photographer, who can suggest the best in this regard.

Visit BOOK NOW page to schedule your Headshot Session with Valentina Sadiul Photography. For more information contact at or call 415.400.9212

5 Clothing No-no's For Your Business Headshot

Business headshot is now dubbed the new handshake as it is the first introduction of your business to the audience. Business Headshot can make a big impact for your business and choosing the right outfit determines how the portraits turn out. It doesn’t have to be a difficult thing to do as the easiest way of knowing what to wear is by knowing what not wear on your business headshot. 

Avoid logos and branding


The business headshot is seen by your current and future employees, customers, colleagues and investors. Having one with logos and branding makes it look awkward and unprofessional. Make your business headshot look friendly and approachable by wear plain colored professional clothes to make people focus their attention on your headshot but not the logo or branding.

Distraction in a sexy way


Your headshot is not a fashion show. Stay away from showing too much cleavage and tight fitting outfits. Your goal should be looking attractive and approachable, not as sexy as possible. Make sure your clothes are fitting but comfortable, not too tight and not too baggy. Make sure you can’t see through them and become overexposed.

Avoid clothes with patterns or stripes


Clothes with polka dots, busy floral, plaid or stripes do not look professional on a business headshot. Wear clothes without any distractions and those that suggest professionalism. Stay completely away from patterns or stripes since they tend to dominate the image more than your face should.  

Faded, wrinkled clothes with holes and stains


In a headshot, faded, wrinkled clothes with holes and stains should be avoided. Your headshot reflects your professionalism and this type of clothes shows you don’t take care of yourself, your career or your business seriously. 

Avoid too much jewelry


Simplicity is the key to a professional looking business headshot. The focus on your headshot should be solely on you, not the distracting jewelry. Too much jewelry is a no-go. If you need to put on jewelry, you know what looks best on you, pick colors that compliment your skin tone and those that bring out your eye color. 

Of course, you want to look your best in your business headshot. Wear what compliments your body type and if possible, bring two or three clothe option for your headshot session. Let your headshot show your character, highlight your personality and project your professionalism for who you are.


Visit BOOK NOW page to schedule your Headshot Session with Valentina Sadiul Photography. For more information contact at or call 415.400.9212