How to prepare for your HEADSHOT SESSION

Hiring a professional photographer for your headshots or portraits is a wise investment, and one that you want to get the most out of! Good preparation will ensure a smooth and efficient experience with images of you looking your absolute best. Here are some of the most frequent questions that clients ask me, and some of my tips for preparing for your next photoshoot:

Valentina Sadiul Headshots in San Francisco Bay Area

Valentina Sadiul Headshots in San Francisco Bay Area

What clothing should I bring to my photoshoot?

Bring more options than you need. If you are planning on using 2 looks, bring 4 or 5 choices so you and your photographer can choose the best ones. If you are wearing a suit, bring a few shirt and tie options so you can create a few different looks. 

First and foremost, all outfits should fit you well and make you feel powerful, attractive, and well put together! Avoid outfits that are too baggy or too tight, and make sure that everything is neat, clean, and pressed. Make sure your shoes are shined and match your outfits, as your photographer may take full-length shots. Check your outfits for holes or tears and try on anything that hasn't been worn in a while to make sure it still fits you the way you like.

Choose colors that make you feel your best! If you always get compliments when you wear green because it brings out the green in your eyes, bring green! If wearing a red dress makes you feel powerful and beautiful, bring your red dress! Solid pieces in dark colors or jewel tones generally photograph very well and compliment most skin tones and coloring, but feel free to have fun with bright colors and subtle patterns and textures as well. Large, loud patterns can be distracting, so choose pieces that don't compete with you for attention. Ladies, bring tops, skirts, and dresses with different necklines and different silhouettes. 

Is there anything else I should bring?

Ladies, bring your make-up with you in case you need to do any touch-ups. Have your lipstick, hairbrush, and a few bobbypins close by for fast fixes! If you do not feel confident with your make-up skills, consider hiring a make-up artist. Men, bring hair product and a comb and have them close by as well. 

What questions should I ask myself or others before the shoot?

If you are going to be taking photos for your website, poster, business card, advertisement, or anything else specific, think about what what you want that to look like and what orientations you need. If your website needs landscape oriented shots, you want your photographer to know that so you get the shots you need. What is the color scheme of your website or poster? Do you want a specific colored background to compliment that? If you are working with a website designer, agent, or publicist, ask them to be specific about any preferences or requests that they might have.

Most importantly, make sure you arrive at your shoot well rested and ready to let loose and have fun! 


Visit BOOK NOW page to schedule your Headshot Session with Valentina Sadiul Photography. For more information contact at or call 415.400.9212