
How Post Pandemic Changes Are Going 

What a different world we are living in now. We meet with people mostly online or via Zoom and when we see them in person, we don’t see their faces. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought huge changes in our work and personal life. 

How has it been for me?

Headshot Photography and Work during COVID-19 pandemic.

I have to admit that covid nearly ruined my photography business, but I haven’t felt so much gratitude before, in my life. The pandemic helped me to discover my toxic attitudes towards work, swinging between two extremes: from workaholism to total work anorexia. I will always remember the date of March 16, 2020, when San Francisco issued a shelter-in-place order. For me, this date is the birthday of my new journey to a more prosperous relationship with my career, time, and money. Around this time, I began to discover the meaning of workaholism. I could no longer be a proud workaholic. I began to see the dark side of my working life, where there was no balance between rest and work, where “living in the moment” was some kind of fantasy, and obsessive worries were my daily normal. Our culture glamorizes workaholism, but I could begin to see it for what it is in reality, a powerful addiction that eats you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.