pocket square

Tips on Choosing Accessories for Your Headshot Session

Professional headshots are very important for highlighting the profiles of the career-oriented people. Because of this, it is important to give these photos the best shot – by dressing carefully with the right attire and, though they are often overlooked, the proper accessories. Together, these can make their personalities more impressive for the viewers. 

Here are a few tips on those important accessories that you may otherwise overlook:

Right headshot accessories for men

  • Tie – Lots of company executives or businessmen prefer to wear ties in an attempt to appear formal. They present with a polished look, often seen among professionals such as lawyers, financial advisors, and real estate agents. But headshots without a tie are also welcomed by people who want their professional portraits to look a bit informal or portray themselves as easily approachable. This are common among new businessmen owning startup companies. 
  • Bow tie – A bow tie is a more informal form of neck accessory for men. Musicians, politicians, actors, and some businessmen seem to prefer the use of the bow tie as a mark of their style.
  • Pocket square – This is a traditional fashion of men, creating squares or stylish designs with hankies placed visibly in the suit coat pocket. 
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Most suitable headshot accessories for women

  • Jewelry – When it comes to jewelry, minimalism is key. For example, a pair of small ear studs, instead of large earrings or a simple chain can be used instead of a broad necklace. However, if the woman is a jewelry designer, she can wear some selected sleek jewelry pieces that are designed by her.

Suitable headshot accessory for both men and women

  • Glasses – The glasses are recommended to be used by both men and women who wear glasses on a generally. It is preferable for the glasses to have anti-glare coating to avoid the reflection of the light. If you wear glasses, make sure you take all the pairs you own to your headshot session to see which work best. 


Visit BOOK NOW page to schedule your Headshot Session with Valentina Sadiul Photography. For more information contact at ValentinaSadiul@gmail.com or call 415.400.9212